WX4TVJ, AE4FH, KM4IPF, and KM4??? work together to build their Arrow Satellite Antenna so they can talk on a pass of the SO-50 AMSAT FM satellite.
Welcome to Ham Radio (dot) World! We are the Lea family and this website is run by our children, who are young hams who want to share the excitement, fun, and adventure that Amateur Radio has to offer for kids and their families. Your hosts are WX4TVJ (Zechariah), who was licensed at 12 years old, AE4FH (Faith Hannah), who was licensed at 10 years old, KM4IPF (Hope), who was licensed at 8 years old, 7 year old Grace (KM4???), who is studying for her licence exam, Mommy (N8ZQZ), who surprised Daddy by getting her license just before they were married, andDaddy WX4TV (James), who was licensed at 13 years old.
Since receiving their licenses in early 2015, the kids (along with Mommy and Daddy) have enjoyed many exciting adventures involving Ham Radio. They have talked to other Amateur Radio operators around the world using voice and Morse Code on the HF (shortwave) bands, made friends with Ham Radio Operators at hamfests, had lunch with an astronaut, participated in the ARRL Field Day and other contests, talked over satellite using simple to use handheld equipment, and even gotten to tour a ship that was captained by one of their Ham Radio friends that they made over satellite.
Ham Radio is an exciting hobby that is fun for everyone in the family. Take a look at the cool videos we post and read about our adventures. If you have any questions or comments, we would love to hear from you. Feel free to contact us!
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