Discover the Exciting World
of Amateur Radio!

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Welcome to Ham Radio (dot) World! We are the Lea Family and we want to share the excitement, fun, and adventure that Amateur Radio has to offer! Your hosts are 18 year-old WX4TVJ (Zechariah), who was licensed at 12 years old, 16 year-old KD3Z (Faith Hannah), who was licensed at 10 years old, 14 year-old ND2L (Hope), who was licensed at 8 years old, 13 year-old Grace (KE3G), who earned her license in May 2016 at the age of 8 and upgraded her license to General Class at the Orlando HamCation® 2017 and then to Amateur Extra at the Orlando HamCation® 2019, Mom (N8ZQZ – Michelle), who surprised Dad by getting her license just before they were married, and Dad (WX4TV – James), who was licensed at 13 years old.
Since receiving their licenses in early 2015, the kids (along with Mom and Dad) have enjoyed many exciting adventures involving Ham Radio. They have talked to other Amateur Radio operators around the world using voice and Morse Code on the HF (shortwave) bands, made friends with Ham Radio Operators at hamfests, had lunch with an astronaut, participated in the ARRL Field Day and other contests, talked over satellite using simple to use handheld equipment, and even gotten to tour a ship that was captained by one of their Ham Radio friends that they met over satellite. Recently, they have enjoyed operating portable from several National Parks for the ARRL National Parks on the Air (NPOTA) event. Faith Hannah even broke a world record!
Recently, the kids have been getting interested in Emergency Communications and being prepared for emergencies. The entire family helped to provide communications between the EOC and shelters during Hurricanes Matthew's, Irma's and Dorian's brushes with Florida, and the kids have started a comany called "Shack-in-a-Box" where they build and sell radio go boxes and solar powered generators. Look for videos and articles about EMCOMM and emergency preparedness to be posted soon!
Ham Radio is an exciting hobby that is fun for everyone in the family. Take a look at the cool videos we post and read about our adventures. If you have any questions or comments, we would love to hear from you.
"Amateur Radio is a great tool for the Homeschooling Family."Michelle (N8ZQZ)
Amateur Radio, which is also sometimes called Ham Radio, is a really cool hobby that lets you meet new people, make new friends, and learn about electronics, communications, and different cultures. Hams can talk around their towns, around the world, or even to astronauts on the ISS without using the Internet or a cell phone. They can even bounce their signals off the moon or use a satellite to talk to other hams across the country or around the world. Have you ever heard of shortwave radio? Well, Hams can even use shortwave to talk around the world–with stations that can be as simple as an inexpensive transceiver and a wire thrown up into a tree. Ham Radio operators also help out in emergencies by providing communications when all else has failed. Hams are kind of like real-life MacGyvers!
What Ham Radio Offers...
Ham Radio is a fantastic educational tool. Kids learn about electronics, engineering, physics, geography, other cultures, and much more.
Make New Friends
We have made lots of new friends through Ham Radio. These new friends come from many different countries and cultures and we are learning about the world!
Travel the World
We talk to Hams all from countries all over the world on the radio, without telephone or Internet. We have even gone to other countries to put those countries on the air! Ham Radio opens up the world!
Emergency Communications
Ham Radio operators around the world help out in times of emergency and in disasters by providing communications. Hurricane Matthew recently came to our town and we helped out with emergency communications.
Our Latest Videos
We make videos of some of the cool things we do with Ham Radio and post them to our YouTube channel.
Here are some of the latest ones we have done. By the way, if you like what we are doing with the YouTube channel, feel free to donate a little bit to keep it going, thanks!